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Think You Need to Take Antioxidant Supplements....You May Be Surprised

School started back up this past week and I didn't waste any time learning new things. And I'm coming to you to share what I learned! So you can take more natural approaches to care for your health.

Our first unit is on Oxidative Stress. A fancy way to talk about how free radicals and other reactive compounds impact our health.

Free radicals including oxygen and nitrogen containing compounds can wreak havoc on our cells, breaking their walls, making them fall apart. They can start chain reactions of damaging one cell, then on to the next, and the next, and the next. They can damage proteins, fats, and even our DNA.

I for one have always thought that free radicals and other compounds that rob electrons from our cells were categorically a BAD THING!

I mean all of the above sounds bad, right? Really, really bad since cancer is linked to damaged DNA. And we clearly can't have healthy cells making healthy organs if the cell walls are wrecked.

But then I learned a strange fact. Our bodies actually produce free radicals.

Hold the phone!

If they are bad, why would our bodies have the wisdom to produce them?

Great question.

I learned that these damaging effects only take place when these oxidative free radicals are at high levels. When they far outweigh the antioxidants in our bodies.

Our bodies actually produce free radicals for many reasons that have to do with our immune system and signaling responses and have a counterbalancing antioxidant producing system!

Before I get all geeky on the science, let me assure you I won't go into the scientific weeds here.

Just get you the info you came for and get you back into your day.

We are all busy and you want to know if those expensive antioxidant supplements are worth the added money to your budget, right?

Ok. So we actually need free radicals. They make awesome killing machines for foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. And they tell our cells key information.

It is when our body gets out of balance is when we run into trouble.

And the research is still out on if supplements are worth it or not. We still need more data to answer which ones are most effective for whom (remember we are all genetically/biologically unique), and it what doses.

There is even a thing called antioxidative stress. This is the damage caused by having too many antioxidants in your system. Too much of a good thing here is really a bad thing.

So what are you to do? You're busy and grabbing supplements is a fast way to meet your needs, or is it? You may be doing more damage than good.

Here are 5 things you can do to help bring your oxidants and antioxidants more into balance naturally:

  1. Reduce the intake of processed foods, especially those high in added sugars and fats.

  2. Boost your Vitamin C with foods such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, or cantaloupe for instance.

  3. Focus on sleep quality.

  4. Get your body moving for 150 minutes per week, in whatever feels good to you. Dancing, yoga, Pilates, cardio. Do what feels good.

  5. Work on stress management techniques.

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