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Overcoming Mold Exposure: Our Journey to Recovery

Here are the exact steps we took to start healing from our mold exposure. But before we get into that, you may be wondering, why is a nutrition specialist talking about mold?

I'm glad you asked that! Becoming a nutrition professional is my second act. My first career was in Environmental Public Health. I served in the United States Public Health Service and we focused our work on where the environment impacted human health.

And our number one call, from those we served, was regarding mold in their home. It was our job to do building inspections and then write up recommendations for getting rid of the mold and restoring indoor air quality.

I learned a lot about mold in those days. How to identify, test, and remediate homes and buildings with suspected mold growth. Though I didn't learn the deep impact mold can have on our health and wellness until we went through this ourselves.

You see integrative nutrition covers more than just what we eat. Sure you would get healthier if we just talked about what to eat and when. But to truly embody wellness we need to take a holistic viewpoint.

This includes things like sleep patterns, stress management, and for sure environmental toxicities. Environmental toxicities such as mold.

The mold that shows up around the shower. Or maybe on a window sill of a leaky window. Maybe it is in the back of that kitchen cupboard along the outside wall. Mold on the bottom of a crib. Or maybe that wet crawl space.

It all looks so innocent. You easily clean it up and don't think twice....

For most of my life I viewed mold as a benign plant growth. Never giving it much thought. It wasn't until mold and it's related toxins impact my family's health did I stop and start paying attention.

When you are in the thick of health battles, this can seem like one more stick on an already stressed camel's back. But I'm here to tell you there is hope.

You can overcome mold exposures. It takes time. It takes commitment. But you can start your healing journey today!

I'm convinced, with how common mold is in our built environments, it is a well overlooked player in many of our chronic health issues.

Wondering about a mold connection in your own life?

Here are 4 steps you can take to help yourself and your family start your own healing journey:

  1. Go around your home (or work) and inspect areas that are humid on a regular basis. Typically this is bathrooms, shower rooms, spa rooms, kitchens, basements, and crawl spaces, even attics. If there is visible mold take pictures for future reference. Take note of any water stained sheetrock or wood. Check these areas after use too, like after someone showers, or while cooking, after storms, and cold weather. Is there moisture build-up?

  2. Identify the water issue. Is it a leak? Does the tub/shower/sink need a splash guard? Does the fan work in the bathroom? Does the kitchen need more ventilation? Does the crawl space fill with water after storms? For now just make notes.

  3. Start restoring gut health. Did you know that molds like aspergillus (very common strain in homes) produces a toxin that actually causes leaky gut? And leaky gut causes a significant amount of inflammation in the body. Leading to so many symptoms that seem so unrelated, including food sensitivities. This kind of inflammation can lead to much more serious disease such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune conditions and so much more!

  4. Make a plan on how to fix the water issues. Re-exposure can delete all your hard work healing your health. Fixing water issues typically takes time. So go slow and prioritize progress over perfection.

Ready to start overcoming your mold exposure and start your healing journey, but want someone to come along and provide that guidance and accountability?

I'm taking a limited number of clients on this spring, so set up a 15-min, no obligation, Discovery Call with me and get your questions answered. Click here to learn more.

Connecting with nature is so vital for our health.

So I want to try a new thing on here.

In addition to you up-level your health in every area.

I want to share what we see out in nature here in Alaska.

I love Alaska, but I love sharing Alaska even more!

This moose was high-tailing it through the stream in Palmer, Alaska last summer. My heart skips a beat every time we see one of these majestic animals. :)

So where ever you find yourself, make sure to get out on the natural path and see what you see.

*Palmer, Alaska.

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