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Transforming Weight Loss: Making Diet and Exercise Fun and Enjoyable

Are you tired of the traditional notion that weight loss has to be a grueling, tedious task? Do you dread the idea of spending hours at the gym or restricting yourself to bland, boring meals?

It's time to shift your perspective and embrace a new approach to weight loss—one that prioritizes enjoyment and fun! What do you enjoy doing? What are ways that nourish your soul? Start here!

Too often, people associate weight loss with sacrifice and hardship. They envision endless hours on the treadmill or depriving themselves of their favorite foods. Diet=Restriction. However, this doesn't have to be the case.

And to be honest, approaching weight loss this way isn't sustainable and its a good way to gain back everything you lost and then some the second the diet is done. No Bueno!

Incorporating enjoyable activities into your weight loss journey can make the process not only more sustainable but also more effective.

Here are some tips that I used to finally say good bye to that extra 20lbs I was carrying around. Hopefully it helps you shift your beliefs about weight loss activities from being arduous to being fun:

  1. Find Activities You Love: Instead of forcing yourself to do exercises you dread, focus on finding physical activities that you genuinely enjoy. Whether it's dancing, hiking, swimming, or playing a sport, there are countless ways to get moving and burn calories while having fun. Simply taking a 30 min walk after dinner can jump start your weight loss journey!

  2. Make It Social: Weight loss doesn't have to be a solitary endeavor. Invite friends or family members to join you in your fitness pursuits. Not only does this make exercising more enjoyable, but it also provides accountability and support along the way. Having my kids look forward to the adventure helped me stick with doing it even when I didn't feel like it. Afterwards I always feel better that I kept my commitment with myself.

  3. Explore New Hobbies: Take this opportunity to explore new hobbies or activities that you've always been curious about. From rock climbing to yoga to martial arts, there's no shortage of exciting ways to stay active and engage both your body and mind. Yes! Yes! Yes! While lifting weights repetitively and endlessly is how my husband views working out, doesn't mean I have to take the same approach! Breaking out of that mold and seeing workouts as my own, really helped motivate me to find what I enjoy and do it in a way that I enjoy.

  4. Get Outdoors: Take advantage of the great outdoors and incorporate nature into your routine. Not only does nature help ground you, bring your body out of fight or flight, help balance your hormones (more on this in a bit), quench inflammation that is causing you pain and stubborn pounds while increasing your risk for a half dozen or more chronic illnesses...Nature inspires you! If you've followed me for any amount of time you know that the scenery at the top of the mountain is worth the burning leg muscles it took to get there. :)

  5. Get Creative in the Kitchen: Healthy eating doesn't have to mean bland and boring meals. Experiment with new recipes, flavors, and ingredients to make cooking and meal prep an enjoyable experience. Get creative with colorful salads, flavorful stir-fries, and delicious smoothie bowls. Involve friends or family in cooking sessions to make it a social and fun activity. What do you like to eat? How can you incorporate an extra serving of veggies into what you are already eating? Don't forget that fruit! While eating nutrient dense foods takes some time and planning, healthy weight is made more in the kitchen than in the gym. In my opinion, it is much easier and more enjoyable to align your calorie intake to your goals, than to be forced to spend endless hours, slowly burning extra calories at the gym.

  6. Balance those hormones. This one is often overlooked. We have fat building hormones and fat burning hormones. What encourages fat burning hormones? Rest, Epsom salt baths, relaxing, slow stretching, aromatherapy, detox baths, sleep...really all those things that we call "guilty pleasures." Well they are not all that guilty when they actually help us lose weight!

Shifting your mindset from viewing weight loss activities as arduous tasks to enjoyable experiences can make a world of difference in your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

By incorporating fun and enjoyable activities into your routine, you'll not only reach your weight loss goals but also cultivate a positive and sustainable approach to health and wellness.

So, embrace the joy of movement, get creative in the kitchen, set fun goals, and surround yourself with support and positivity. Remember, weight loss can be a journey filled with excitement, fulfillment, and most importantly, fun!

Ready to enjoy the last "diet" you'll ever need? Because it's not really a diet at all. Its a way of life. A way of life that puts your health, your longevity with your kids, your availability for your kids as a priority.

So you can show up to be the best mom you can be! The best wife you can be with your husband. Squeezing every last drop out of life possible.

And wouldn't it be nice to have someone there guiding you every step of the way? You deserve the same support you provide to others! I invite you to let me come along side you and guide from the side as you transform your way to your goals. Click here to learn more.

Here is a pic from out on our natural path. Last summer we found a kid friendly hike up a mountain. It included over 150 stairs to reach the summit! These two handled it like Champs!

These hikes were part of my personal challenge to move my body 150 minutes each week. In addition to moving our bodies we also got to identify a ton of medicinal plants on this hike! Win-win!

*Palmer, Alaska

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