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10 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy and Beat Holiday Fatigue

The Christmas and holiday season is upon us. My guess is you are already feeling the rush, the pressure to get everything done in time, the stress from seeing posts online of other families celebrations, and you are looking around wondering if you don't sleep tonight or tomorrow night you just may be able to pull everything off.

Full stop. What if you could navigate this time of year with ease? What if you could make things effortless? What if I dare to say, actually look forward to tucking in for the holiday season and spending that quality time with your kids like you so look forward to starting every Thanksgiving?

You can, but it takes intention. Here are my strategies for how I turned this season from one of burn out, stress, short patience, into one of relaxing, rejoicing in our Savior's birth, and going slow enough that hopefully I can remember each Christmas with my kiddos.

  1. Instead of staying up late and waking up early-prioritize sleep. Everyone feels better with a good nights sleep. Yes your to-do list is running in your head as you lay down to go to sleep. Be gentle with yourself and use some natural tools to help you shut off your brain. I bathe myself in essential oils on those nights I just need my brain to shut off and get some actual restful sleep.

  2. Stay hydrated. Stopping to drink water can seem like a time waster in this season. I joke with my husband that it is a double time waster because now I have to stop and use the bathroom too. So much stopping! But truthfully all the rushing around and not giving your body its fuel is a recipe for short nerves, guilt from blow-ups, and headaches from dehydration. I try and drink water with each meal and do a smoothie so I can get breakfest and hydration at the same time!

  3. Prioritize veggies and fruits first. I know the dessert table is tempting and I'm not even saying avoid it. I try to make sure I get a serving of veggies and fruits in first then head over to the sweets. This helps you stay hydrated, gets you needed fiber and feel good vitamins, and also fills you up a bit so you don't have as much room for the added sugar.

  4. Move. Even if it is just some pilates as you lay on the floor playing games with your kids. Include your family as a great way to spend time together, connecting, talking, and exploring. Try taking just a 30 min walk after dinner tonight.

  5. TAKE BREAKS! I spent hours in coaching sessions just to realize that I needed to take my blinders off and take a break! Break(s) even! Every hour or so. Get up. Walk around. Go hang out with my kids and my husband. You were not made to produce all year round. Just like nature tucks in this season, you need to too. Set your phone reminder, even if its just 5 minutes of staring out the window. Your holiday season will be better off. I promise.

  6. Manage the stress that does come up. It is inevitable this week and next is not going to go according to the perfect picture you have in your head. Something will come up, someone won't be present, and heck someone will be present that you may wish was absent. Take a few minutes while doing other things to practice your breathwork. Lately I've been doing the 4-7-8 breathing technique for vagal tone. I do this while riding in the car, while doing the dishes, while out shopping, during church. That is the great thing about breathing exercises you can do them anywhere.

  7. Back to prioritizing good sleep, watch the caffiene and alcohol consumption. These can really knock you off your rythym and take you weeks to recover after the holidays. Leaving you sluggish, cranky, and not showing up as the Mom you want to be.

  8. Self-care. Ok so this is one that needs to be a priority all year round, but I for one am just learning how to add this to my life. One way I'm showing up for myself is commiting to one detox bath per week. Even if all I can do is 20 minutes, I'm in that bath!

  9. Connect. Be intentional about who you connect with this Christmas season. Be intentional with your energy. Take time to self-reflect on where you want to spend you time, talent, and treasures. Do they align with the Mom you want to be? If not, take small steps towards the direction of your dreams. You won't get there overnight, but just a slight 1 degree change in your direction can lead to massively changed results.

  10. This may be the hardest for me. Time management. Set timers. Set itineraries. Give yourself permission to let some things wait. Schedule the important things in first. Think of your Christmas season like a jar you want to fill. Place the large stones in first, the important events, the moments you want to treasure, you want to remember. Then fill the jar with the smaller pebbles, making sure to leave plenty of open space for you to spend how you please.

This list is a tall order. One that will likely take years of practice. But that is normal. Progress over perfection.

They say, if you want a kind 16 year old, teach kindness to a 6 year old and give him 10 years to practice.

If you want to boost your energy around the Christmas season, teach yourself these steps, and give yourself 10 years to practice.

From the far north, I wish you the merriest of Christmas seasons. May you find joy and wonder in the everyday moments you create.

I look forward to serving you in the year to come with all your integrative and functional nutrition needs.

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And you can find me on Facebook and on Instagram @megan.anderson.nutrition.

I'm booking into the New Year for coaching sessions. Click here to learn more how you can jump start your wellness journey through my foundational wellness coaching program. Where you get one to one support as you start giving yourself that time to practice.

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