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The Ultimate Guide to Nourishing Your Child: Top Foods for Optimal Growth and Development

Is my kid getting enough of the right foods? What do I even serve him? She's so picky, I'm worried she isn't getting enough food in her.

Any of this sounding familiar? Or maybe you have your own version of this worry. But one thing I know for sure is this is one of the top 5 worries real moms have told me. And it is one that I have labored over for a long time.

So today I'm going to share with you what I've learned over the course of the last three years as I've pursued my Masters degree in Integrative and Functional Nutrition.

Use these categories when you are planning what your family will eat over the next few days and weeks. Remember, it is balance over time that matters. Even if a meal, a snack, a day, a few days are off balance-that is ok! Just work towards balance over time. :)

  1. Protein. I know this is one that a lot of us moms stress over, but it is really a lot easier to get enough protein than it's made out to be. Great sources include chicken, wild caught salmon, eggs, organic tofu, beans (my kids are addicted to chocolate hummus made with black beans-so good!)

  2. Whole Grains. Look on the label for whole grains on breads, pastas, rice. When we transitioned to gluten-free this was a little trickier. Remember gluten is not only in wheat, but barley and rye too. But grocery stores these days have really upped their gluten-free whole grains. Some of my favorites are amaranth, quinoa, oatmeal, and brown rice.

  3. Fruits and Vegetables. If you are anything like me, you heard "Don't let them eat fruit! They'll get addicted to the sweet taste and not eat anything else!" Well you know what...I completely ignored this piece of "advice." I have let my kids eat as much whole fruits as they want from the start. And want to know why? Because fruit is full of amazing antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals and so much more! Yes it is sweet and that fact makes it easy to get the needed nutrients in my kids! Win-win! We also aim for 5-7 servings of vegetables a day too. Do we fall short, you betcha! But it is about balance over time. Do your best and your kids will be better off regardless!

  4. Healthy Fats. This is a biggie! Especially with kids and developing brains. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for gut health, inflammation, brain health, and so much more. Great sources include chia seeds, salmon, walnuts, flaxseed, eggs (depending on the feed). Your kids just might surprise you with what they will try and find they like. Every once in a while I like to play a game at the grocery store and buy something that none of us have tried before. Living in Alaska salmon roe is posted on just about every harvesting group that exists. So a while back I grabbed a jar at the store. While myself, my husband, and my son were a hard daughter LOVED them! She had the whole jar to herself and she's only 4!. I was shocked. I thought maybe I'd like it, but never one of the kids. :)

  5. Calcium. This is important for those growing bones. You can find calcium in dairy, leafy greens, fortified plant milks, and other fortified foods. In our house we've had to supplement with calcium to make sure we are getting enough. And that is ok too!

  6. Iron. Iron is key for healthy blood and brain development. You can find iron in lean meats, poultry, wild-caught fish, beans, lentils, and leafy greens.

  7. Last but not least-hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! This is so important for all of the processes that go on in their bodies.

I know this may seem like a lot at first, but use this as your checklist when you go grocery shopping. Know that it is about balance over time. And try new foods every once in a while, what you learn just might shock you!

Have some specific nutrition questions for your family? Want personalized nutrition care? Check out my new coaching package geared towards bringing your family towards optimal health and vitality. Click here to learn more.

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