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This is the ONE big thing You have to have to be successful.

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

What does it take to start living that life you dream about? Be it finally losing the extra pounds. Or maybe it's living in the mountains. Maybe it's unschooling your kids. Whatever it is that you want to pursue, this mindset is what separates the masters from the disasters.

Yes, there really is a magic mindset that makes ALL the difference in everything from relationships, to stress, to relaxation, to eating patterns, to diets, to exercise, to career, you name it!

Its called a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. Those with a growth mindset are more likely to achieve their goals, feel less stress while doing it, and enjoy the fruits of their successes.

How do you know if you have a fixed or growth mindset?

Place a check mark next to the phrases that sound like you in life, especially when you are pursuing a goal, especially one around improving your health and wellness.

Then count up which list you have the most check marks in.

Fixed Mindset:

  • Always feel like a victim to your circumstances.

  • You feel there are limits and you cannot pass them.

  • Feel powerless.

  • Catastrophize all problems.

  • Believe others are purposely trying to hurt you.

  • You believe you are targeted for mistreatment.

  • Refuse to consider other's perspectives.

  • You keep painful memories alive and rather than forgiving, you seek revenge.

  • Things happen to you.

  • It is what it is.

  • I'm either good at it, or I'm not.

  • When I'm frustrated, I give up.

  • I don't like to be challenged.

  • When I fail, I'm no good.

  • If you succeed, I feel threatened.

Growth Mindset:

  • Anything is possible.

  • The world is limitless.

  • Believe in the power of "not yet" instead of "never"

  • Judge less, own responsibility more.

  • Curious.

  • Desire to seek outside help and resources.

  • Love to learn so they can acquire the tools to grow.

  • I can learn anything I want to.

  • When I'm frustrated, I persevere.

  • I want to challenge myself.

  • There is no failure if I learned something.

  • If you succeed, I'm inspired.

  • My effort and attitude determine everything.

  • If someone has figured it out, I can too.

Coming from someone who was securely entrenched in a fixed mindset who has, over time, converted to a growth mindset change is possible.

Here are a few steps I took that you can try on for size. Keep what fits, and discard what doesn't.

Step 1. Become acutely aware of your thoughts. Every one of them. What is popping into your head? What is your first thought about something? If it helps, write them down. This will make the next steps easier.

Step 2. Observe without judgement. Be the gentle observer of your thoughts. The reality is, you likely didn't write them, especially the ones you want to change. They are just programing you picked up along the way.

Step 3. Decide. Decide if it is a thought you want to perpetuate, or a thought you want change. Really look at the thought. Examine it from all angles. Is it true? Is it God-true? Would He say the same thing? If not, maybe its something you want to change.

Step 4. Choose a thought that feels better for you. You always have the option to choose again. Always!

Step 5. When you find yourself thinking the thought you don't want anymore, catch yourself and repeat the thought that made you feel better. Tweak the new thought if necessary. Write this new thought down and repeat it to yourself in the mornings when you are getting ready. Set a notification in your phone to remind you of the new thought you want. Over time you'll find yourself thinking this new thought more often than the old one. Until one point you won't even remember that old thought anymore.

This is how you re-program your super computer in your head. :)

Mindset really is everything. If you think you can or you think you can't, you are right.

This is why I have an entire section of my S.E.E.D.S of Change coaching program dedicated to mindset. You see to be successful you need the right tools, and mindset is one of those tools. And it starts with small, easily digestible steps. Just like mighty oak trees start as small seeds. Hence S.E.E.D.S. of Change. Just a 1 degree change in your trajectory will yield massive results in your life.

Small steps will get you where you are going in the most efficient, effective, sustainable, and fastest way. I used to think I had to be in a hurry to get where I wanted to be. But my Grandpa used to say, "The faster I go, the more behinder I get."

It's true, you need to go slow to go fast.

Want support in bringing your mindset more in alignment with what you want to accomplish in life? Want to have your mindset work for you, instead of against you in reaching those goals? Want tools to help guide you on your path?

Sunshine Cove. Juneau, Alaska

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