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Affirmations your 6-8 month old (or older) Needs to Hear from You Today

Emotional wellness starts in infancy, here's how you can help your kiddo today! Even if they are a bit older than 6-8 mos old.

The concept of the inner child in all of us is a newer concept to me. I hadn't always known about this nuance of our personalities, and until recently I had never given it much credence.

However, we have worked with some legends in the psychology world and they've educated me not only on the inner child's existence, but how that inner child can be impacting your life as we speak.

At any given moment we exist as three parts. The inner child. The adolescent. And the adult.

Let's be real, many of us didn't have the emotional support in our upbringing as we hoped. No matter how amazing your childhood was, no one escapes completely unscathed.

Now to be fair, our parents did the best that they could with the tools they had. And in my opinion, without the internet as accessible as it is today....I think we are living in an educational time like no other!

Where we have access to these concepts and professionals thousands of miles away with the touch of a button. Our parents certainly did not have that luxury.

But with this luxury comes the responsibility of how will we use our incredible access to these life lessons? Will we embrace them and forge new paths? Or will we shy away, retreat, and continue repeating generational patterns?

My guess is your inner child has a lot to say about the answer to those questions.

And the cool thing is, when we choose to move forward not only do we heal, but we can set our kids up decades earlier in life. Isn't that thought amazing!

I mean, what if you had these lessons when you were born, or 1, 2, heck even 15! The point is they then get to use these skills and beliefs their whole lives! What a blessing!

A while ago I shared the affirmations your baby needs to hear through the newborn stage. As they grow and their brains develop more, they need new affirmations.

Here are the affirmations your 6-8 month old needs to hear from you today, and every day. Post them where you can easily see them and remember. Make your mama brain work less, because we all know this stage in their life can be hectic!

(Your kid older than 6-8 mos? No worries. Tell them these now! It is never too late to show them this kind of love, attention, and support!)

-You can explore and experiment and I will support and protect you.

You can use all of your senses when you explore.

-You can do things as many times as you need to.

You can know what you know.

-You can be interested in everything.

I like to watch you initiate, grow, and learn.

-I love you when you are active and when you are quiet.

Try them out with your kids and leave me a comment on how they responded. Try them out with your own inner child and see what resonates.

Our emotions are very powerful forces that can sway our physical health either towards illness or towards wellness.

How will you support your emotional wellbeing today?

Looking for more support in this area? Looking for guidance, evidence-based tools and strategies to elevate your emotional experience, reduce stress, feel better more often?

We spend a whole month on this stuff in my new signature coaching program-S.E.E.D.S. of Change.

Where we identify and explore what triggers you, bring awareness to all parts of you, and together we develop a plan to help you get out of the constant fight or flight response.

Reduce your stress, reduce inflammation, help you sleep better at night and have more energy during the day.

Plus more!

Want to read more about it? Click here.

"Exploring @ Taku" Juneau, Alaska

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