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Emotions are Energy. What is repressed will find a way to be expressed.

Have you ever considered the emotional root behind your physical illnesses? I didn't even know this was a thing until my early 30s.

Heck, at that point I had spent most of my three decades not even "believing in" emotions as real things.

Turns out emotions are very real elements that have very real impacts on our health. Everything from mental, spiritual, and physical health.

So when I saw a post this past week that talked about emotions being energy it really made me stop.

It went on to say that repressed emotions block our energy-exhaust us or make us sick. Her take on it was that whatever we repress will always find a way to be expressed.

The nerd in me had to take this to another level utilizing what we know about emotions.

Emotions are chemical messengers in our bodies. We have receptors for those emotional messengers all over our bodies. When the messenger binds to the receptor it sets off a reaction, a response, a change to those cells and in turn those tissues.

If those emotion/chemical messengers are binding to receptors, but not being released due to inflammation, lack of movement, toxins, what have you-"energy" is literally stuck.

It's blocked. Things don't work right. Things don't return to balance. Things aren't flowing like they should be.

This is how I understand emotions to cause very real physical illnesses.

Which got me thinking to the emotional wellness training I attended years ago. Where I learned about the great Louise Hay and her magnificent body of work.

So this week when we were dealing with major health issues (as in-sepsis from an abscess under a tooth) of course I had to run and grab her book.

She sets it up in such an easy way to comprehend. Giving the ailment, a probable cause, and some affirmations to reprogram your thoughts.

Teeth issues:

Probable cause-"Longstanding indecisiveness. Inability to break down ideas for analysis and decisions.

Affirmation-"I make my decisions based on the principles of truth, and I rest securely knowing that only right action is taking place in my life."

I thought this was just so amazing. Because I too struggle with trusting the process. Trusting everything is working out for my good. And for someone who falls for analysis paralysis too often, it encourages me to make my educated decisions without hesitation.


Probably cause-"Fermenting thoughts over hurts, slights, and revenge."

Affirmation-"I allow my thoughts to be free. The past is over. I am at peace."

This one too is a good reminder that we need to let the past rest. We only have today, so being as present as possible is really all we have in this life.

This book has been spot on matching how we feel to physical ailments we have experienced over the years.

If all we do is fix the physical ailment, but do nothing about the thoughts that precipitated (and played a real part in causing that ailment) will we ever experience true wellness?

As that original post proclaimed, what is repressed will find a way to express itself.

If you follow the principles of homeopathy repressed conditions go deeper.

Meaning, what started out as a superficial ailment, will only go deeper, become more severe, and require more immediate attention the longer it is allowed to fester.

Homeopathy is also one of my favorite modalities because it takes into account the emotional state of the person or animal. Because practitioners know how important our emotions are to our well-being.

As we started to learn about how nutrition impacts our genome we also learned how our emotions also impact our genome.

Stress is the one emotion that can trigger inflammation in our bodies through activation of the IL-6 gene. Inflammation is the root of nearly all disease, especially chronic conditions.

It's from these years of experience I knew I had to incorporate an emotional wellness component to my coaching program.

We spend an entire month looking at this, as well as you get access to my growing resource library where I include so much more juicy information on how to not only manage our emotions, but have them work for you instead of against you.

Ready to have some support on your journey to wellness? Ready to have a solid foundation when it comes to holistic health?

I invite you to let me be your guide. Click here to learn more.


Hay, L. L. (1976). Heal your body.

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