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Ditch the Toxins! Makeover Your Medicine Cabinet with These 4 Powerful Remedies.

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

As Mamas we are always wondering, "what's best for my kiddos?" "Am I doing this right?" And when doing what we know, doesn't give us the results we are after-we tell ourselves, "There has to be a better option out there."

And there is! There always is!

If you've spent any amount of time here with me, you know that I am all about providing you with options. And helping you find the best way for you and your family. You truly do know what's best and you are your own and your kids best advocate.

I'm here to remind you to trust yourself, trust your inner guiding system.

I'm not here trying to persuade anyone to do things the way I do, just providing information about other options out there. So when you start looking for the "better options out there" you know you have a starting place here. :)

I think as I near four decades on this planet I'm finally taking some pride in the odd looks I get.

Like the other day when my kiddos and I were in the OTC aisle in the grocery store. We happened to be cutting down that aisle on our way to somewhere else. And my kiddos stopped to ask what all that stuff was.

When I tried to explain that it was "medicine", and my kids still seemed utterly confused, people around me gave me some odd stares.

I'm most certainly not against medicines and westerns ways, it's just that we haven't had any real need for it in our home so far.

We've found our home in other ways. Ways closer to the earth. Closer to what God's provided us as we just keep learning how to use these remedies, plants, and food.

I wanted to provide a list of all the modalities we use and have gotten most comfortable using. I used to doubt these ways, and doubt myself. You may find yourself doing this too.

When that comes up, lean into your own experiences and others'. I find I have to remind myself (a lot) of what I've seen these powerful plant medicines do and that reassures me that we are doing the best we can for our kiddos.

First up we found homeopathy. We found this in a round about way. First with my pup, Harley. He was my best friend and I took my role as his caregiver seriously. I wanted what was best for him and knew I was the only voice he was ever going to have.

The real test for this modality came when we got our second pup, Idaho. At four months she developed lock jaw and stopped eating. We had no idea what could be the issue. We spent another four months working with our Homeopathic vet out of Texas. Tracking her symptoms, relaying her disposition to him via email, him trying to find the exact right remedy to bring her back into wellness.

After she recovered, someone mentioned that it could be Lyme's. We had her tested and she was positive for Lyme's and Anaplasmosis. Two horrendous tick-borne diseases.

Our conventional vet yelled us out of his office that (while really skinny) our lively pup would be dead in days if we didn't pump her full of antibiotics. If I thought she needed them, I would have been the first one at the pharmacy. But she as she was running laps around the Vet's office, I just didn't see a need.

That pup that (according to that Vet) wouldn't see her first birthday...turns 10 this year. And she's kicked two bouts of Lyme's reoccurrence completely on her own. No remedies, and no antibiotics later. This is what lighting a fire under our own innate immune systems looks like.

It is an amazing sight to behold.

From there we added in the powerful plant medicines of essential oils. These too I had to see and experience for myself.

These have become our first line of defense in our home. From our kids, to our dogs, to ourselves, to our cleaning products, to our self-care products and everywhere in between.

We've used these daily in some fashion for the past 9 years. Anything from bumps, bruises, cuts, scrapes, tantrums, sleep, hormone balancing, weight loss, coughs, colds, fevers, cooking, flavoring, scenting, and my most favorite-Inflammation busting!!!

I would be lost without these powerful plant medicines.

And I can feel good that these both are safe to have around my kids. They are so safe. I've even used both modalities through both of my pregnancies and with my newborns.

It's been so comforting to have options at my disposal that work, are safe, and effective!

I've also gotten into making my own herbal salves, tinctures, and teas. This has been more of a hobby for me. But one that saved us when the only salve that helped my daughter's painful eczema flare ups was made from a local plant.

This is a fun option because you can grow many of your own herbs and make your own medicines. Creating products with my own hands that my family can use to ease their discomfort makes me feel so accomplished, connected, and alive.

Like I'm doing what my ancestors did hundreds of years ago.

Try it some time and see if it changes you too.

And I would be remiss if I didn't mention how we use nutrition and food as medicine. This really comes into play for fighting inflammation. Inflammation really is the root of all disease. And it certainly plays a major role in my son's recurrent febrile seizures.

So while we don't often think of our kitchens as part of our medicine cabinets, maybe we should. We can set ourselves up for health, or we can knock ourselves down into illness in that room of the house.

Ready to break up with toxins? Bring your body back into balance.

What questions do you have for me? Comment below with them.

Want support on your journey of ditching the toxins in and around your family? Want real, tested, true remedies that create lasting wellness? Want to set the next generation up with skills to take care of themselves and not become dependent on a system that does not always have their best interest in mind? Yeah, me too. :)

In my new coaching program, S.E.E.D.S. of Change we spend a whole month focused on your priorities around this subject.

Not clear on what your priorities are? That's ok! We have a coaching session dedicated to exploring this topic and finding what you want to do, what works best for you, your family, and your home.

Listen to that nudging that makes you question those chemicals you are using around your kids and pets are not helping them get healthy.

Listen to that inner knowing that questions if recurrent ear infections, recurrent eczema flare-ups, or our country's cancer rates are normal.

Listen to that inner voice that won't let up on finding answers why your son continues to have febrile seizures or whatever it is you are dealing with in your home.

Your inner guidance is safe to trust.

Lean into my experience, my knowledge, my education to help spring board you forward faster.

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